We’ll help you go from being financially unsure and likely feeling some degree of worry, fear and overwhelm, to become financially confident and empowered with clarity, control & purpose.

Life without money worries.
Hard to imagine? Then let's change that.

It’s time to talk about money.
Love it. Hate it. Have it. Want it. Good with it. Bad with it. Or just have no idea what to do with it. However you think about it, money is a big part of your life. It’s huge.
Your health. Your happiness. In fact, the entire trajectory of your life is in some way connected to money. Yet, we don’t talk about it. And when there’s a problem with it, we don’t seek help.
We’re that help. For you. Today.

Poor finances make life hard.
It’s not just about a lack of money. Living with financial stress is like going through life with a baby elephant on your back. It’s an emotional and physical struggle. Life is just heavier.
And even if you’re earning a decent wage, how do you pay off debt & save for the future when there’s nothing left at the end of the month? That’s hard. That’s financial stress.
We can help. Click the logo tab on the right to learn how.

Do any of these sound familiar?

Worried about retirement
“How much do I need to retire? I have no idea.”
Feeling broke & in debt
“I jumped into debt quickly and now I feel stuck, broke, worried.”
Don't know how to invest
“I’m not saving wisely, and definitely don’t know how to invest.”
Trouble with spending
“I can’t help it, I know I spend too much. It’s hard to manage money and have fun.”

Feeling a little clueless
“I just don’t know how to manage the money side of my life.”
Avoiding the problem
“It’s not good, I know, but I’m too scared to even look at my credit card statement.”
Fear of an emergency
“The thought of my car breaking down, or one of us having an accident, freaks me out.”
Struggling to get ahead
“There’s never anything left to save. I’ve done everything I can.”
The good news? This is all fixable.
Start to imagine a life free from money worries. A life where you’re making the right choices and are in control. A life where you have enough to do whatever you want to do. Because helping you achieve that life is why we’re here.

A clear path. Profound change.
MAD Success was born to help you live a happier, wealthier, more fulfilled life.
We’ll help you go from being financially unsure and likely feeling some degree of worry, fear and overwhelm, to become financially confident and empowered with clarity, control & purpose.
We believe money is 80% psychology and 20% the technical know how.
Perhaps you have a scarcity mindset. Or a negative attitude towards money. Or maybe you lack discipline. Or a combination of all three. Without considering your core thoughts & beliefs about money, it’s really hard to change.
Your Mindset, Attitude and Discipline (the “MAD” in MAD Success) are fundamental to change and getting to wealthy.
And change is the business we’re in…
If you’re just looking for financial education, there are a million sites that will teach you about investments, accounting, budgeting, and economics.
But countless studies show, education alone is not enough.
We believe you also need coaching, community & accountability.
Yes, education in the areas where you need a boost is a very important part of the process.
But real change happens by being coached and trained by an expert, and being held accountable as part of a safe, non-judgmental, like-minded community of your peers, all getting to wealthy.
This is how you will change your life. Forever.
Lachlan Campbell
Creator of MAD Success

Lachlan Campbell
Creator of MAD Success
So which one are you?
Motivated individual
If money is causing you stress. If you’re not living your best life. And if you genuinely want things to change.
Join our financially motivated members community and receive a free copy of our “Getting To Wealthy Success Guide” to empower your financial journey.
Be supported. Guided. Empowered. Held Accountable. And get to wealthy.
Click on the link below.
Empowered organisation
Many of your employees have money worries.
With a bespoke employee financial wellness program, you’ll improve their financial health, and achieve a happier, more focused, loyal, and productive workforce.
That’s win/win.
To find out more, click on the link below.
In a word, liberating...
I have been through a host of mindfulness and meditation courses and tried other life coaching courses, but Lachlan’s unique and very engaging approach to identifying my top “saboteurs” and things that, simply, keep me stuck in my increasingly unhappy world, have been refreshing and cathartic. His optimism and energy are exactly what I have needed to move the needle forward in my quest for a better, more fulfilling journey.
Andy S
Managing Partner, Law Firm
I was being crushed under the weight of worry and stress about money.
I was in a rut and didn’t know how to sort my finances out. Financial coaching from Lachlan and the MAD Success team has honestly changed my life. I now understand what’s been holding me back. I have clarity about what I need to do. And I have all this new life energy as I follow my financial plan.
Jane D
MAD Success customer
I thank and highly recommend you Lachlan!
He holds a very safe space. I am able to explore myself deeply to release old energies that are not serving me. He realizes my full potential, and champions and acknowledges me through this hard work. He listens at a very deep level, and I feel his ideas are aligned with what I need. I felt it was a coaching partnership where we would always co-create – this supported so much positive movement and transformation in my life.
Sue B
Founder / Designer - Jewlery Company
Clear communicator. Super curious. Highly authentic.
Powerfully holds the space through trust and empowering my vision. Impactful. He sees me. I was seriously stuck in self-limiting beliefs. – Lachlan helped me travel through galaxies to change. An emotional experience. Superb coach. Highly recommend you, Lachlan. Thank you.